How do you become resident or even a citizen in Italy? I thought I would provide some summarised information to help new arrivals and British nationals alike.
(This is especially relevant for British nationals since Brexit)
This is a guide for European citizens within the European Union, including British nationals with transition period-rights while Britain is leaving the EU, up until 31 December 2020.
A European citizen has a right to stay in any one of the 27 European nations that make up the European Union.
Residency in Italy
This practical guidance is relevant for :
*all EU citizens wanting to stay in Italy for more than 3 months;
*British nationals wanting to maintain or acquire residency rights to stay in Italy beyond 31 December 2020 ;
The Italian residency application can be made in person or by an authorised representative, at the Commune’s Anagrafe office near your Italian residential address.
The basic requirements to apply are;
*Evidence of local address, either rental contract, purchase contract or letter by a host at that address;
*Health insurance valid for a year; only if you are not already registered with the local health authority, ASL and have a health card (tessera sanitaria)
*Financial resources evidence – a recent bank statement in your name showing funds of at least €4,200 per person is usually sufficient
However note that each municipality can have slightly varied requirements from this list.
You will receive the residence document likely described as ‘Attestazione di Iscrizione Anagrafica’ within 2-5 days.
New residents who register in this way should expect a local Police officer to attend the residential address within 45 days of application.
After 31 December 2020.
British nationals applying to be resident in Italy after 31 December 2020 will be required to follow the same process currently applicable to non-EU citizens (application for il Permesso di Soggiorno).
If you are married to an Italian citizen, the visa requirements for Italy are typically much easier.
British citizens who have been registered resident of Italy for 4 years or more at 31 December 2020, and who apply for citizenship before that date, will be considered for citizenship applications as if they were still an EU citizen. Four years is the normal minimum residency time period for EU citizens.
For non-EU citizens 10 years is the standard minimum residency timeframe. This will apply to new citizenship applications by British nationals in Italy, after 31 December 2020.
Tax Concessions
Its important to note that becoming resident for tax purposes for the first time in Italy this year will also allow you the opportunity to take advantage of significant new tax concessions available in Italy to new residents.
For more information, contact me.