
Archive | italy

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Knowledge versus information and data ..

We live in a world where so much data and information is constantly being shared and made available to us. Are you conscious of the differences between the news and information you consume? This information and data is powerful, and can help us combine various sources to make conclusions and help us make important decisions […]

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Photo by Birger Strahl on Unsplash

Moving to Italy from the UK?

You may be thinking about or planning a move to Italy right now, and if so, you’re not alone. Italy has long been a desirable destination for millions around the globe, however these are particularly strange and interesting times, especially for those living in the UK and considering the twin challenges of Covid19 and Brexit. […]

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Italy cuts investment requirement for a golden visa, May 2020

Italy has reduced the minimum investment required to obtain a residency visa if you are a non-EU national. The changes were announced in the Italian ‘Decreto Rilancio’ of May 2020, which contains measures designed to stimulate the Italian economy since the onset of Covid19. Previously I’ve written about this Investor Visa, when it first arrived, […]

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Becoming resident in Italy, a brief guide.

How do you become resident or even a citizen in Italy? I thought I would provide some summarised information to help new arrivals and British nationals alike. (This is especially relevant for British nationals since Brexit) This is a guide for European citizens within the European Union, including British nationals with transition period-rights while Britain […]

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Photo by Noah Mayer on Unsplash

Italy incentives: 7% tax rate on pension and foreign income for new tax residents

The retired migrant’s tax concession program, Italy Italy has introduced favourable tax policies for those who want to retire in Italy, or move their tax residency to certain parts of Italy (applicable for returning Italians or new residents) The exceptional news about the tax regulation is that it applies to all foreign source income. So […]

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All thoughts are my own. The information contained here is not personal financial advice tailored to individual needs.