
Tag Archives | brexit

UK final salary pension transfers halted

Recently, The UK Pensions Regulator (TPR) gave trustees of about 5,500 UK pension schemes the right to suspend transfers of defined benefit schemes for up to three months (note this affects final salary-style, or defined benefit pensions) to allow pension companies to review transfer valuations, and the administrative impact of a potential increase in demand […]

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Becoming resident in Italy, a brief guide.

How do you become resident or even a citizen in Italy? I thought I would provide some summarised information to help new arrivals and British nationals alike. (This is especially relevant for British nationals since Brexit) This is a guide for European citizens within the European Union, including British nationals with transition period-rights while Britain […]

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Current Brexit guidance for British Citizens

As you well know, a stalemate has developed in the UK and recently claimed the scalp of the Prime Minister. What remains to be seen is whether a new leader can find an alternative solution that has sufficient support and which can create unity within the UK parliament and within the wider UK population. Despite […]

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All thoughts are my own. The information contained here is not personal financial advice tailored to individual needs.